Thursday, March 10, 2016

Lent Day 26 Jesus Feeds 5000

A Spiritual Journey towards faith in Jesus Christ for Children

Day 26 - Jesus Feeds 5000
Family Scripture Reading: Matthew 14:13-21 

Family Discussion Starters:

NOTE: The following questions are based on the commentary by Matthew Henry shown below

What was Jesus doing in this passage?
(It says that Jesus "had compassion on them and healed their sick." vs. 14)

What was the problem the disciples brought to Jesus?
(The people were hungry and the disciples wanted to send them away.)

Did Jesus want the crowds to go away?
(No He did not. According to Matthew Henry we should notice "how reluctant Christ is to part with those who (wish to remain with Him)."  Do we realize how much Jesus loves it when we spend time with Him?)

Jesus provided dinner for 5000! What does this show us about Him?
(Jesus "encourages us to depend upon Him for the supply of our bodily wants." Matthew Henry.  We should "Seek first the Kingdom of God" Matt 6:33 
and God will supply all of our needs. 
We should "Cast (our) cares upon the Lord." Psalm 55:22)

"See how (reluctant) Christ is to part with those who are resolved to cleave to him! They need not depart. Note, Those who have Christ have enough, and need not depart to seek a happiness and livelihood in the creature; they that have made sure of the one thing needful, need not be cumbered about much serving: nor will Christ put his willing followers upon a needless expense, but will make their attendance cheap to them.But if they be hungry, they have need to depart, for that is a necessity which has no law, therefore, give you them to eat. Note, The Lord is for the body; it is the work of his hands, it is part of his purchase; he was himself clothed with a body, that he might encourage us to depend upon him for the supply of our bodily wants. But he takes a particular care of the body, when it is employed to serve the soul in his more immediate service. If we seek first the kingdom of God, and make that our chief care, we may depend upon God to add other things to us, as far as he sees fit, and may cast all care of them upon him" Matthew Henry -

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