Statement: Women Encouraging Women
Our mission is to help prayerfully equip each other
with spiritual and physical tools to grow in Christ likeness.
In such a way, that we can all live out one by one the six biblical priorities of
God, marriage, children, home, service and loving one another.
So that we will bring glory to God and His Word.
Amy Gentry
I had been a Sunday only Christian for 10 years. In 2001, I was attending a preschool mom’s bible study led by the wife of our church's Family Pastor. Over the course of the couple of years, I began to feel the Lord give me uneasiness in my spirit, that my upbringing by a "hippy-catholic" mother may not have instilled in me the correct perspective on the way my life should look. The world, pioneered by the woman's lib movement, was not where I had been able to find satisfaction. If anything, it only led to more discontent. I wanted more- more peace, more joy, more meaningful relationships, more of a servant heart, more pride in my role as a homemaker, more confidence in the motives behind my parenting, more depth to my marriage, and chiefly- more of an intimate relationship with the Lord. God's way of living had to be better than the way I had been living up to that point.
At about this same time, through daily prayer, I began to offer myself up as a "living sacrifice." I basically, put my "yes" on the table. I'll do whatever you ask. I was finally SURRENDERED! The Lord began to push me out of my comfort zone, my mentor stepped down from teaching bible studies causing me to I feel lost. But in my anguish she said to me, "All this time, I have been discipiling you. You can disciple others now." That is when my ministry was born.
The early studies might be called "The good, bad and the ugly." Not knowing what to say, searching for words, trying to teach in my own strength. I had forgotten that whole surrendered thing that had gotten me to where I was. So RESURRENDERED, and in a state of the constant prayer of "Lord, speak through me." I saw Him being so faithful to do that. Every time I got out of the way, he showed up and spoke. I began to see Him change lives and families and I trusted that I was right where he wanted me.
I came to a hunger in the teachable spirits around me; they all had one thing in common. In their own way and in their own words- across the board, every woman wanted to know, "What does it look like?" An intimate two way relationship with the Lord, a marriage with Christ at the center, biblical parenting that uses scripture to set the bar in our home, glorifying God while scrubbing toilets and folding underwear, and thriving spiritually because I'm connected and invested in a church body. What does that look like for me, a house wife in the suburbs in the 21st century? What does it look like day-to-day to walk out my biblical priorities of God, husband, children, home, service, and other relationships (in that order)? Seeing this consistent need, led to the heart of this ministry.
I became involved with forming the Titus 2 Women's Ministry in May of 2010. Over the course of 15 months, this ministry was SURRENDERED to His leadership constantly and in His faithfulness, he did just that. He led. He led a group of 6 women with big and lofty ideas of their own, to a place where we were simply waiting on him to direct us and form us. He took our passion of equipping women to daily live out their biblical priorities and brought is to where we are now.
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Carri is a wife of 16 years & mother of 3 |
Master of Arts in Christian Education
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Fort Worth, TX
The theme of my life has been “I just didn’t know.” We can gain a lot of book knowledge as well as street smarts with a large dose of common sense and still miss out on the big picture which is God’s Blessing for each of us. The world has been my teacher for most of my life. It has been an exciting ride. There were huge highs and deep dark lows with the final result being emptiness, regret and depression. I had lots of stuff and I had no true joy.
My turning point came when I had my first child. I had occasionally attended Sunday school and VBS as a child. I had been Christened as a Catholic when I was a baby, sometimes attended Catholic church as a child, sometimes attended a Christian Scientist church as a child, had moved to Texas and became a Lutheran as a teenager, was married in a Unity church, was baptized into the Church of Christ after my divorce, visited a Mormon church while in the Army, and through all of this time and all of these different churches, no one ever asked me to read my Bible or to join in Bible study. I just did not know anything about the truth of God’s Word. No one had ever spent any time with me trying to mentor me (with the exception of my mother who would read devotions to me and pray the Lord’s prayer with me).
At an all time low, I just knew God wanted me to take Austin to church. I tried a couple of churches but the one I found peace was Oak View Baptist Church in Irving, TX. I was met every Sunday by a wonderful servant of God, HV. He made me feel welcome and loved and always helped me find a seat. I was truly shocked on my first visit when Pastor Philpot asked me to take out my Bible. I did not have one with me. It was somewhere at home, unread, sitting on a shelf somewhere. I looked around and almost everyone was opening a Bible. I was convicted in my spirit to go and purchase a new Bible, which I did at the local Wal-Mart. (I just did not know there was something called a “Christian Book Store”) It was a Life Application Bible that I was drawn to and realized that it was like having a mentor with me because there is dialogue at the bottom of each page explaining the text to you.
Once this happened He began providing opportunities for me to share His joy by serving Him. I had never experienced such total joy and satisfaction. I simply said “YES LORD!” It started with VBS as a worker, then on to Director of a VBS grade, a GA worker even though I did not have a daughter, here is where I learned about missions (I Just Did Not Know people actually went places to talk about the Gospel!), then on to GA Director and God blessed me with a baby girl! Onto a new city and a new church and God put me in my first Bible Study, ironically, Lies Women Believe, led by Amy Gentry, a wonderful Bible teacher and great friend. Another blessing was that God had a plan for me and placed me with some of the women I would eventually bond with, learn from and form Titus2Women. He gave me the desire to reach out to other women who are where I was.
God is good! He has great plans for all of His children. It is our choice to allow Him into our lives to change our hearts, minds, and desires to be like His Son, Jesus Christ. He will give us an unbelievably blessed life when we yield to His Will and desire His Ways and read His Word. In the end I Just Didn’t Know it wasn’t all about me! It is all about HIM.
Kim Hawkins
I wholeheartedly gave my heart to Jesus when I was 10. I understood sin and my dire need for a savior. I had (and still have) a bible the church gave me, and I very excitedly put those stick on tabs on each chapter for a beginner bible reader such as myself.
I loved church, seeking my Lord and reading scripture. I prayed for a godly husband and for my future... I trusted God for protection and had several wonderful friendships that were grounded in Christ. All this may seem great but, so much was lacking in my life.
After my marriage almost ended in divorce, I realized how far from God this “Christian” really was. I had become so reliant on myself that my walk with God had dried up. I describe it as leaving church every week and stepping back into my flesh (my selfish ways) like a pair of comfortable boots. There was no surrender, no headship in my life except me, leading myself…
I basically told God how it was to be, my will--not his, and bless it please. I had my plan and never really cared what his plan was, I didn’t need his--I had one already. I also carried hurt/bitterness/unforgiveness in my heart. That hurt stayed there for way too many years causing much turmoil, anger and grief…not to mention driving a huge wedge between me and the Lord. I never considered that it was sinful to be so resentful and bitter… “I had a right to be hurt.”
Through the bible, Christian book studies, godly friendships, sermons, conferences, ect.. I have been learning how to crucify my flesh and TRUST God no matter how hard it may be; to love others and to hold no record of wrongs. Daily I surrender to Jesus…I hand him my hurts, disappointments, my unmet expectations and he comforts me. I seek him about all the details of my life and he shows himself to me. It’s like he has given me an Extreme Makeover. Some things have had to be pruned (or surgically removed in a sense), meaning it really hurt when he showed me where I’ve been wrong. I am slowly becoming more Christ-like. There are still many days that I get it wrong.
My best advice is to feed the spirit and starve the flesh.