Monday, June 26, 2017

Women Gone Wise - Week Four

Women Gone Wise - Priority 2 Husband
by Amy Gentry

"However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, 
and let the wife see that she respects her husband." 
Ephesians 5:33

What is one meal you cook that makes your husband wish for prison food?
Where do your likes and his likes differ?

Are you on the crazy cycle or energizing cycle? (see below)

The Crazy Cycle: When you react with disrespect he reacts to you without love which in turn causes you to react with disrespect and there goes the crazy cycle.

The Energizing Cycle: Your respect motivates his love and his love motivates your respect and the Energizing Cycle is on.

 Resource: Cycle PDF from Love and Respect, Dr. Emerson Eggerichs

Women talk with a pink megaphone and men hear with blue earmuffs. 
Men talk with a blue megaphone and women hear with pink earmuffs. 
Has your husband ever said something that you heard completely differently?

Resource: Love and Respect by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs

CHALLENGE: Ask - "What 3 things can I do each day that will make my husband feel welcomed home at the end of his day?"

Father, Thank you for these very helpful and wise resources. Please guide us as we take steps to learn new information and to correct bad patterns. Lord, we know that marriage is targeted by the enemy, please help us to prevent being used by the enemy to destroy our own homes. We pray if strife enters our lives that we will recognize it and use the tools we will learn to correct it before too much damage is done. May we not only use the helpful tools to keep love, respect and harmony in our homes, but lead and encourage other women to the truth that keeps their marriage strong. In Jesus name, amen  

women encouraging women 

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