Amy Gentry
"A wife of noble character is her husband's crown,
but a disgraceful wife is like decay in his bones." Proverbs 12:4 A
What is your 60 second love story?
Imagine yourself walking on a tightrope, the Marriage Line. The best way to strengthen your marriage is to stay on that marriage line. Walk that tightrope, don't let yourself step off because of complacency, or lose balance because of not knowing what to do next in your relationship, or become frozen due to fear of unforgiveness. When in doubt, always walk the line.
Assume good will. Be very aware of False Perception. Trust what happens, even in the disappointments that come your way. Do not defend yourself! This includes protective walls, holding grudges, bitterness, and unforgiveness. These reactions only isolate you further, and in hindsight, seem so foolish. Assume goodwill.
It's All Perspective by Kim Hawkins
Make a plan for date night and give a report next week.
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