Sunday, March 1, 2015

March Praying God's Word

March Praying God's Word - John 16:33
Carri Pratt

Heavenly Father God,
We praise You as we confidently acknowledge that You are ultimately in control of what this world is currently facing. We understand that some are called to die for You, but that we are all called to live for You! 

We pray for our brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, who at this very moment are in harms way because of their faith. Father God, we ask that You provide for their needs, empower them with Your Holy Spirit, and encourage their souls.

We pray for personal boldness and encouragement as our time for persecution arrives. May we also stand strong and united as the body of Christ and the worldwide Christian church.

We pray for peace that passes all understanding and a joyful heart that gladly provides for the needs of others and shares the Good News with a lost world.

In Jesus Name, the Name above all Names, we pray,

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