Monday, June 3, 2013

Song of Solomon - Summer of Sizzle

Bible Study Week One – 
Dedication and Prayer
By Carri Pratt / Amy Gentry, Editor

“My beloved is mine 
and I am his;”
Song of Solomon 2:16 NIV

This week read:  Song of Solomon 2:15 – 2:17

We are starting out slowly with only three verses, however, these verses have great significance to the foundation of our marriages. 

How does the Bible apply to me and my marriage?

READ Verse 2:15 – In this verse we are told that there are little foxes running around reeking havoc in the vineyard.  The vineyard represents our marriage, our home and the intimate time spent with our spouse.  The little foxes are those little things that pop-up to spoil the intimate bond we share with our husband.  Busyness.  Self-seeking behavior.  Unforgiveness.  They might not seem to be very significant by themselves but over time they add up to a hundred little foxes trampling our vineyards.  Choose to let him be right and tie up our tongues so that only sweet words come from our mouths.

~When an issue of conflict arises, stop, and then ask yourself “is this worth ruining my marriage?”  The answer is probably no.  I personally find quite often it is simply a matter of pride; pride causes me to think my busyness is more important than the busyness of others – pride causes me to seek my own way – pride causes me to be unforgiving because I am right and he is wrong.

~Other times it is the outside world attempting to interfere with the special time set apart for my husband and me.  Yes, this even includes the interruptions from my children.  We ladies need to make a conscious effort to shut out the world and focus on   the quantity of quality time we are spending with our spouse. 

“A quarrelsome wife is like the
dripping of a leaky roof in a rainstorm”
Proverbs 27:15

READ Verse 2:16 – Here we find a declaration of the exclusive nature of the marriage relationship.  This is one of the most popular quotes used in wedding vows and ring inscriptions.  Women especially want to know that our husbands are devoted to us and love us alone.  The statement “feeds among the lilies” is erotic symbolism for kissing and intimate behavior. (G. Lloyd Carr)  This is a verse that claims ownership – you are not your own and neither is he.

READ Verse 2:17 – Here we find the Shulammite woman expressing her desire to make the most of time left before day break.  She is communicating her desire to be with her spouse, maybe this indicates her desire for tonight but also for the thousands of nights to come.  The term “divided mountains” could mean that the lovers themselves are divided or could be erotic imagery. (One of the most important keys to keeping a marriage relationship in bloom is to be intimate with our spouse on a regular basis.  We will be discussing this in Week Three of our study, “His Needs.”)

The foundation of our marriages is discussed within the three verses reviewed this week:
1.    Focus: Quantity of quality time – capture those little foxes! Vs.2:15
2.    Devotion to one another vs.2:16
3.    Desire and Intimacy vs.2:17

ACTION REQUESTED:  Please Print Song Of Solomon Week One Printable And Complete (from printable tab on or from the File tab within the T2W Song of Solomon Study Facebook Group.  For an invitation to the group please visit )

1.)    Respond to verse 2:15 in prayer–
Focus: Quantity of quality time -- Pray and seek the Lord to dedicate yourself to make a choice to put your spouse above yourself and do the work with the power of the Holy Spirit to do whatever it takes to meet the daily challenges of marriage.
2.)    Respond to verse 2:16 in prayer-
Devotion to one another -- Pray and thank the Lord for the trust that He has put in you to be a steward of a marriage that will affect many generations to come.
3.)    Respond to verse 2:17 in prayer-
Desire and Intimacy—Regardless of the state of your marital intimacy, there’s always room for growth.  Pray and seek the Lord for His guidance during this “Summer of Sizzle.”

Weekly Challenge

1.     Make the choice to dedicate yourself to your spouse.  Use your wedding ring (or ring finger if you are not wearing your ring) to remind yourself to pray for your husband this week.  Every time you see it, say a quick prayer.


2.   Pray WITH your husband

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Coming Up...
June 4 - 2 Cute Tuesday "Prayer Boards"
June 6 - Prayer and Dedication by Kim Hawkins
June 9 - Join us live by phone or computer for a Group Discussion at 3:30 pm at:

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