Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Scattering Seeds

Scattering Seeds… The Return Merchandise Call
By Carri Pratt

So I am about to do my P90X workout, my mother is planning on coming over for coffee and I receive the inspiration to call and get instructions on exchanging my new Vera (Wang not Bradley!) leggings I had purchased online.  Fortunately by now I am pretty trained that when inspiration from The Holy Spirit hits, everything else waits.

I dial, I wait, I get a customer service agent to talk to me on the phone.  We are discussing my order when another bit of inspiration occurs, “why haven’t you asked him about his relationship with Jesus?” I think to myself.

“God, if this is You, please give me the words to say.” I silently pray.  “So, where are you located?” I ask.  “Mexico” he responds.  Ok, I can use that, and we begin to discuss resorts I have been to with my husband. 

Then he reveals to me that he had been living in the United States and his visa expired.  He shared with me that he was doing all he could to get back and he was in a bit of culture shock.  We began to discuss his faith and he told me he really didn’t think about it much.  I asked him where he would go if he died tomorrow.  He did not have an answer. We talked for forty-five minutes. 

The third hit of inspiration, “You need to ask him if he wants to pray to receive Me as the Savior of his life.”  Wow! Was this really happening?  God was using me as a funnel to shower His love and grace on this man.  I boldly informed him that “I really feel like The Spirit is prompting me to ask you if you would like to pray to receive Jesus Christ as your personal savior.”  I was floored by his response… “YES!”

We then prayed a prayer of salvation together and he invited Jesus into his life!  “This is one of the most amazing moments of my life!” I thought.  I told him to read Luke or John as soon as he could and that I would mail him a Bible. (which I did within the week)

I also told him I would be praying for him and would be looking forward to meeting my new brother-in-Christ when we made it to eternity. I don’t think either of us wanted to hang up the phone!  What an incredible moment.

It was amazing to see God use an ordinary return merchandise call to snatch another one of His precious children from the enemy’s hands.  God, You receive the glory for this encounter!

And Isaiah says: “I was found by those who were not looking for Me; I revealed Myself to those who were not asking for Me.”  Romans 10:20

Challenge:  Use the ordinary moments in your life to share your faith. The people of our world need your light to shine on them.

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