Monday, April 21, 2014

Genesis - In The Beginning

Genesis – In the Beginning
Chapter 15
By Carri Pratt

“I am your shield, your very great reward. . .” Genesis 15:1

It can be rather easy to allow what we don’t have to overshadow what we do have. This is what Abram was doing in chapter 15. He was concentrating on the fact that he would have to leave all of the material blessings, given to him by God, to his servant rather than to a son.

“Abram continued, “Look, You have given me no offspring, so a slave born in my house will be my heir.” Genesis 15:3

Abram was living with the fear that he would never have a son. However God reassured him that He would provide Abram with not just a son but with offspring too numerous to count.

God is so good! He doesn’t stop at a simple blessing, He provides us with so many blessings that they are too numerous to count!

Sometimes we may feel focused on that one thing that seems unreachable. When we pray for things we need or want God may answer with “Yes!”, “No”, or “Wait” to our great pleasure or dismay. During those times, stop, count your blessings, and remember that God is your very great reward!

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