Monday, July 10, 2017

Women Gone Wise - Week 6 Children

Women Gone Wise - Week 6: Priority 3 Children contd.
by Amy Gentry

“Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.” 
1 Corinthians 11:1

What physical traits and character traits would you pick for your great-grandchildren to inherit from you and your husband? 

Conversation Starter:
How can you edify your child by appealing to the potential of their character, something not easily seen, hidden or even something that lies ahead.

Conversation Starter: 
Where have you become complacent in your own parenting?
What TV programs are your children watching?
How much time is spent on their electronics? (Including TV, video games, smart phones, tablets, etc.)
How much outside play are they missing out on?
How often are they reading and using their imaginations?
Are they eating out of boredom? 

Purposeful Parenting- Battle any fear and uncertainty your child might be building up during their current season by building up their self-esteem and security by having regular family nights.  Cook together, laugh together, and just be!!! 

Lord, We Praise your Holy Name. We thank you for this opportunity to weed out,  to stretch & grow ourselves and to help each other. 
 As we seek your transforming power in this accountability group may our conversations be led and guided by your Spirit. May the the time we spend here be anointed by you and keep us from rambling on, but instead to pinpoint where we are missing the mark with our children. Help us to encourage, equip, and spur one another on towards life and godliness. Help us to live with the upmost priority by making the most of the time we have with our children.
In Jesus name, Amen

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