Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Scattering Seeds

Scattering Seeds . . . Samaritan’s Purse Shoeboxes
Carri Pratt

One of my children’s greatest joys at Christmas time is to pack the Samaritan’s Purse shoeboxes. It has become a family tradition for them to select items for the boy or girl for whom they are packing the box. It is an awesome way to remind them of the “giving” aspect of Christmas as well as being thankful for the great blessings they personally enjoy.

This week is “National Shoebox Collection Week” for Operation Christmas Child. Every box packed will receive a tract explaining who Jesus Christ is and how a person can be saved. 

 Share an amazing video titled GOOD NEWS. GREAT JOY. 2014  with your child about the joy they can bring to a child for Christmas at:

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