Monday, August 14, 2017

Women Gone Wise - Week 11 Love One Another

Women Gone Wise - Week 11 Love One Another
Amy Gentry

“…Love your neighbor as yourself.” 
Matthew 19:19b 

Each person roll a die.  If you land on 1)Talk about a concert you have been to, 2) Talk about your favorite and least favorite high school course, 3) Talk about the community where you grew up, 4) Talk about something you don’t like to do, 5) Talk about your favorite place to travel to, 6) Talk about a favorite pet.

Conversation Starter:
·         Draw 4 circles, each inside of the others. Label each section with names of your friends. 
“Key to Placing People in the Friendship Circles”
1. Best Friends (center circle or bull’s-eye): the 2 or 3 dearest loved ones.
2. Special Friends: the 3–5 closest friends outside the center circle.
3. Social Friends: the 7–12 people one spends a great deal of time with.
4. Casual Friends: the 50–200 people one knows by name and might socialize or work with (acquaintances).
Outside the Circles: Non-friends and enemies.

Conversation Starter:
Make a list of your friends and categorize them.  Which relationships need changing or removed completely? 

Be bold with those in your circle of influence, encourage them and warn them to stay on their toes.  Prevent the dirty foot prints. 

Prayer: Father, We love and praise you. Lord, we know we have been blessed by wonderful friends through the years. Help us recognize where we need to improve making ourselves more open to making relationships with other women in our lives. Lord, you are the author of the relationship and only you can lead us in the right direction for making and maintaining the best ones. In Jesus name, amen

women encouraging women

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