Saturday, August 27, 2011

Remember Who You Are

Remember Who You Are
Biblical Priority #3 - Children
by Carri P.

“Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.” Proverbs 3:3 NIV

When our children walk out the door towards their day, take a moment to lovingly look into their eyes and say “remember who you are”. This little phrase can carry so much meaning if we spend some one-on–one time beforehand explaining a few key points to them that Jesus wants us all to know.

1) Loyalty – We represent God’s family as well as our own family. We need to choose both of these families first.
2) Honor – Our behavior should honor God, honor our parents, and honor our teachers.
3) Obedience – We should obey God, our parents and our teachers at all times. Delayed obedience is disobedience.
4) Friendship – Choose your friends wisely and stand by them at all times. Pull your friends up and don’t let them pull you down.
5) Kindness – Always remember to be kind to those around you even when they are not very kind to you.

Challenge: Involve your children in writing a family mission statement.

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