Saturday, September 29, 2012

Does God Deserve Your Time?

Does God Deserve Your Time?
By Stephanie H.

Matthew 6:33 ESV “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”

As summer approached, I thought and even occasionally said, “When summer gets here I will have more time for a quality quiet time.”

This year had many hurdles to overcome.  I felt God saying I needed to slow down and rest in Him, over and over.  It must take some large challenges to make me listen!  In all reality when I look back at the year, my quiet time struggled during Christmas vacation, when I had surgery, at the end of the school year and the latest wake up call, a broken foot.  These were times that I should have been digging deeper into my quiet time.  During these “seasons” I let sleep or other excuses interfere with my time with the Lord.   During these “seasons” I was anxious, stressed, worried…you name it.  If I would have been seeking God and His righteousness, going through these “seasons” would have been much more peaceful and joyful.

Sometimes it is so hard to carve out time for a quiet time, but when I do, I am so grateful.  After breaking my foot in early July, I took this as confirmation that the Lord wanted me to rest in Him again. 

God’s word is alive!  The One Year Bible’s daily scriptures almost always apply to what I am going through.  It gives me time each day to hand over all concerns, worries and my schedule.  It positions my heart to be eternally focused instead of focused on myself.  I have time to thank God for all of His many blessings in my life.  So while I am not glad that I am recovering from a broken foot, I am thankful that it brought me back to a daily quiet time.

Challenge:  September means getting back into a routine in our home and I know God is calling me to make my priorities part of my DAILY ROUTINE and not just when it is convenient.  Will you join me in making our priorities part of our routine for the rest of the year?

God - Quiet time, prayer, actively seeking God’s face
Marriage – Ask your husband, “What can I do for you today?”
Children – Spend some one on one time with your children.
Home – Try our menus for some great meal planning this month (this will speak to your husband and children too).
Service – Where are you serving?
Others – Smile and show God’s love to people you come in contact with daily during this month.

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