Monday, July 29, 2013

Capture His Heart with these 3 Steps

Capture His Heart with these 3 Steps

by Kim Hawkins 

         1)   Make Hubby’s Priorities Your Priorities

My husband’s main Love Language is Service. When I focus on him by serving him and following through with what is important to him, he feels loved. So, when I prepare our home for his arrival with a hot dinner, he feels valued and honored.

As disappointing as a my husband recently accidently breaking his leg two days after us booking our vacation was to us, it became a huge blessing in disguise.  I became his right hand (wo)man.  

 Not only did God reveal to me how little I normally help him (before the boot and crutches), but how much I really enjoyed serving him. 

Make a point each day to fill him up with your words, actions, positive body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice with pure love and acceptance. Take this challenge and the fruit will most certainly follow!!!! Lord, guide us as to how to serve our beloved ones, In Jesus name, amen!

“Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Philippians 2:3

2)   Respond without Reacting or Retaliating

The way we treat those we live with is our legacy, it’s the sermon we preach and how we will be remembered. Gentleness, God spoke to me after I totally overreacted over something, in retrospect, IT was so very small. 

It’s as simple as treating others the way we want to be treated. As I tell my kids, and God has reminded me of the same principal, “You are only responsible for YOUR behavior.”  Commit to walk upright with a pure heart and His fruit will always follow!

 Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.” Galatians 5:25

3)       Purge habitual sin:

Pride? Humble yourself before God and your husband. A controlling woman/wife/mother is NOT led by the spirit. Plus, it's so very unattractive! Repent and be free.

Envy?? Do not allow yourself to compare yourself or husband to another. Ever! Look at yourself and your hubby through God’s eyes.  God forgave me and he opened my eyes to all the beauty and gifts we both were given. I now truly adore and delight in my gift from God, my husband. Confess and live in fullness.

Unforgiveness?? This will hinder you like no other!! Not only does holding onto hurt open doors up for enemy activity in your life, it will separate you emotionally from others as you will undoubtedly will start to operate in self-protection. Release all pain/hurt and nail it to the cross and allow God to be your defender. Lighten your load and improve your overall outlook (and your looks…Sin shows on your appearance), pray and ask the Lord what is hidden deep in your heart that needs to come to the light today!

“Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” Psalm 139:23-24

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