Friday, February 15, 2019

Keep The Home Fires Burning

Keep The Home Fires Burning
(Written by my hubby)

Physical intimacy in marriage is like 
a campfire on a cold day.
If you let the fire go all the way out, 
it is very hard to restart. 
But if you keep some coals burning all day...
the fire will restart rapidly. ~VEH

How you achieve this is to prioritize him with spending time alone together, 
compliment and affirm him, 
kiss often, lighten up & joke around, 
make contact throughout the day, send flirty texts and leave notes for each other. 

It's about to get hot, hot, hot!

I have found the one whom my soul loves. 
Song of Solomon 3:4

Rejoice in the wife (husband) of your youth.
Proverbs 5:18
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