Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Vinedresser is Never Closer To The Vine Than When He is Pruning It

The Vinedresser is Never Closer To The Vine Than When He is Pruning It

by Kim Hawkins

To be pruned is not a fun process. It actually hurts. Throughout the years, I have sought to be free from what has hindered me. Asking the Lord to reveal and remove what needs to go is a bold move. You have to be ready! Here we go!

Gossip? Yep, It’s gotta go! Ouch!

Pride? No, no, I don’t deal with that. (The Lord revealed pride in me when I’m driving)  Conviction!

Comparing myself to others? Painfully true.

Unforgiveness? Duh! Ok, it took a few times to get rid of that one.

Protective walls up? Yes. Defensiveness? Sure. Anger? Ok.

Unbelief? Sadly, yes. Shame? Guilt?? Fear???

I think I need a few Band-Aids, but ahhhhh, I am so much lighter! You simply cannot argue when the Lord shows you something. He nails it on the head. He was patiently waiting for me to be willing to be free.

Why are we determined to carry so much? Why are we so reluctant to hand over all our junk? Jesus already took it all upon himself at the cross. Removing the dead branches spurs new growth.

“By their fruit you will recognize them.” Matthew 7:16a

“I am the vine, you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” -John 15:5

Challenge: Be willing to let yourself be pruned, the results are fruitful!

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