Wednesday, November 22, 2017

What I Want My Children To Know Before They Leave Home

THANKFULNESS - Be still and consider the good gifts God has already given you.

As I listen to my children discussing their Christmas lists, I am reminded of how often we tend to focus on what we want rather than being grateful for what we already have.

I want my children to see that God provides in amazing ways for His children and His creation. We can count on His goodness, His mercy and His provision.  We can know for sure that Spring will follow Winter and that crops will grow when properly planted and cared for.  We know that the sun will rise in the morning and that time heals most of our wounds. We know that His love endures forever. We  know that He gave His only Son for our salvation.  It is encouraging to just be still and consider the good gifts He has given you.

This week my goal is to spend a few private moments with each of my children discussing this very thing. I want them to know how much God loves them and I want them to realize how much they already have from Him. I also want to know what they are most thankful for in their lives.

"Give thanks to the Lord for He is good. His love endures forever."
Psalm 136:1

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