By Stephanie

First check your own personal spiritual health
Establish oneness in your marriage, pray
together about your desires to protect your family
Guard your children’s hearts
Deuteronomy 23:14 “For the Lord your God moves about in your camp to protect you
and deliver your enemies to you. Your
camp must be holy, so that he will not see among you anything indecent and turn
away from you.” (emphasis mine)
Ways to
consider guarding the hearts and minds of those in your home:
Model a passion for Jesus in your Home – model a
daily walk/relationship with the Lord
Wives respect & honor your husbands
Limit the TV/movies/radio/internet/devices you
allow into the home (What goes in through the eyes goes to the mind…creating a
visual rolodex!) resource:
Sleepovers (Does the host home have a “system”
in place? Do they guard their children’s hearts? Do they have older siblings of the opposite
The language used in the home (Is it positive?)
Restrictions on dating…Set a purpose
Train them young to guard/cover their body…they
will protect that as they mature
Kids should know that you love them no matter
what – teach forgiveness, try not to overreact
CRAZY Praise/celebrate accomplishments &
Teach them to use a Concordance and send them to
the Word for guidance
Train kids to be great workers at home
Listen to & validate them
Expect your children to show respect to everyone
in the family
Stand up for what is good, right and holy even
if it isn’t the “norm”
Challenge: After you and your husband have discussed and prayed about ways to protect your children’s hearts discuss these with them. If you already have a “system” in place remember that it needs to be serviced and updated often as your children grow. What is needed for your family may not be what is needed for the family next door, so be mindful when speaking of your system so that you do not sound judgmental.

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