A Metamorphosis
By Amy
The Lord has given His followers the grace to be transformed into His likeness. Take a moment to meditate on that statement.
In His grace, Christ has given us access to every gift from
the Heavenly realms that we might need to be transformed into an earthly
depiction of His character, a model of His mercy, a portrait of His compassion,
the resemblance of His love, and the representation of His power to change a
heart, lost.
"He handed out gifts above and below, filled heaven with his
gifts, filled earth with his gifts. (1) He handed out gifts of apostle,
prophet, evangelist, and pastor-teacher (2) to train Christ's followers in
skilled servant work, working within Christ's body, the church, until (3) we're
all moving rhythmically and easily with each other, efficient and graceful in
response to God's Son, (4) fully mature adults, fully developed within and
without, (5) fully alive like Christ." Ephesians 4:10-13 The Message (emphasis mine)
(1) He gave us disciple makers,
(2) To equip us to be a part of His body as skilled
(3) Growing in: living out godliness and having an intimate
relationship with God,
(4) Goal: to become fully mature Christians, developing our
personal relationship with God and likewise having fruitful relationships with
other believers,
(5) Having an abundant life.

CHALLENGE: Are you sitting at the feet of a Mentor who is training you in living out your faith in Christ?
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