Friday, June 1, 2012

Summer Book Club Kick-Off

Summer Book Club Kick-Off

We are so excited to kick off our first Summer Book Club!  If you have not already purchased your book, Dancing with My Father by Sally Clarkson, run to the store and get it today! 

We will read one chapter each week and every Friday the six of us will post on the Titus 2 Women Facebook page our thoughts, insights and personal stories. 

We encourage each of you to join our conversation on Facebook.  Let’s share with each other our insights, stories, struggles and joys. 

Each chapter ends with questions and a prayer.  Thoughtfully and prayerfully answer the questions so we can discuss them as well. 

A couple of us already read the first chapter and Sally is so transparent you feel it is just you and her sitting down talking. 
Grab your book, a glass of sweet tea and join us in learning how to daily live in beauty and grace, joy and peace.

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