by Jenn Vaught
OUCH! You know we all do it! I have certainly been known to and on more
than one occasion. While cleaning, I may
slam a few cabinets (just a little harder),
dust just a little longer in front of the TV (as needed for effect), sigh a little louder (to make sure I’m heard from the other side of the room). My pity parties can be pretty potent. Should I really be acting that way? What’s wrong with me? Am I still 12? What’s that saying on Pinterest? What if
I’ve lost my Big Girl Panties? Well
girl, let’s get up and find them.
Proverbs 21:19 (NIV) Better to live in a
desert than with a quarrelsome and ill-tempered wife. Scripture
is obviously very clear on this subject!
Yes, we are very busy women who multi-task rings around our families and
we can indeed get irritated from time to time because our plates runneth over. I like to use what I call the Fire Dept.’s STOP,
DROP and ROLL method for taming what can be my firey red-headed temper. What’s that you say?
It’s when I start
to get that itchy, irritated feeling of saying where the ketchup is for the one
hundred thousandth time (Yes, I live in a house of 4 men and that number for
answering questions is rounded down)
or I see clothes
on the floor less than 10 paces from the laundry hamper
or I’m busy
running around the house cleaning up after the people who are currently sitting
on the couches and watching reruns of Dirty Jobs. Irony is very sarcastic by the way and well,
you get the picture.
just stop, (go find my big girl panties) drop (my bad attitude) and roll (with
the punches of life). When I stop assuming that my husband can
read my complicated mind or assume that he’s just dying to help me by cleaning
all of the ceiling fans, somehow life seems to go a little smoother for
me. Here’s one more for the road,
27:15 (NIV) A quarrelsome wife is like a constant dripping on a rainy day. Do you think God’s trying to tell us
CHALLENGE: When things irritate you, STOP and think about it for a second, DROP the bad attitude and let the offense ROLL off your back by asking for help, fixing it yourself, and/or moving on! You will actually be a happier person if you do!
1 comment:
Very good Jenn! Thanks for sharing.
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